The largest Red Light district in Amsterdam is De Wallen, located in the very center of the city. The area has plenty of brothels, sex shops, cabarets, and cabins rented by prostitutes. These one-room offices are the thing that separates De Wallen from the other Red Light areas in the world. Typically with red color shining behind them, the prostitutes sit behind glass doors, waiting for the customers. But prostitutes in the Netherlands are not treated like merchandise. Their status is regulated by the state and there is always a police present in the district to protect their interests. To get more familiar with the history of this job in Amsterdam, you can visit the Red Light sex museum.
De Wallen is an area in the very center of Amsterdam, some 5 minutes from the main train station.
Entering the Red Light area is free. Thera are plenty of venues in De Wallen, where you can spend your money. Prices are generally a bit higher than in the other areas of the city.